Understanding PEGI Ratings

Video games can be a lot of fun however it can be difficult for parents to navigate the benefits and dangers of what your child might be experiencing.

PEGI stands for Pan European Game Information. PEGI ratings are used to give games ages ratings.


What do the labels mean? | Pegi Public Site

Games considered suitable for all age ranges.

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Games may contain some non-realistic violence.

What do the labels mean? | Pegi Public Site

Games may show more graphic and realistic-looking violence towards fantasy characters. They may also show mild sexual innuendo, sexual posturing, references to gambling and some bad language.

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These games can feature death and injury to humans. Smoking, drinking alcohol, the use of illegal drugs, glamorised representation of crime and strong bad language can be shown.

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These games can show ‘gross’ violence which may include graphic methods of death or severe injury, including torture, decapitation and dismemberment, violence against vulnerable characters (including children), sexual violence and threat.

Please click this link for more detailed information from the parentzone.org https://parentzone.org.uk/article/age-ratings